Finding a school bus is the first step in your build project and it can be the hardest! We’ve put together a list of all the places we’ve found you can purchase a school bus from - from websites to bus barns. This cheatsheet will point you in the right direction.


If you’ve dipped your toes into the skoolie insuring world you’ll know that it’s no easy feat to insure a bus conversion. Over the course of 4 years, our company has put together a list of school bus conversion insurers recommended by skoolie owners.


Traveling in a skoolie can be an exhausting endeavor if the proper planning isn’t taken. To avoid Googling “where to park my skoolie” on the side of the road (at 2 A.M., when all you really want to do is sleep) download this cheatsheet filled with helpful links to websites and apps to keep handy


This course may be mini but it’s packed with information on how to buy a safe and reliable school bus for your skoolie building journey. Included is tons of tips and tricks on finding, inspecting, and buying a bus. Download today to get started!


Paid Courses

Designing a home from a small space can be a challenge. Let the experts walk you through how we build layouts, important things to consider, and how to maximize comfort in a small space.


Interested in the off-grid life but have absolutely no idea where to start? This course will teach you all about the off-grid skoolie life, including how to power, plumb, and insulate your home for off-grid capabilities.


If you’re still weighing the pros and cons of a bus vs. a van vs. a coach vs. etc., this course is for you. This course will help you determine the perfect rig for your future adventures based on your needs.


It’s normal to have “what-ifs” in life when making a big decision. This course will answer those nagging questions like where to park a skoolie, how to make $$$ on the road, downsizing tips, and more.



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